
vanessa's musings

So Much More

I've been scrapping together a presentable image because if I were to try to explain the depth of everything that truly mattered to me, it would be a mish-mosh of intangibility and immeasurability.

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An Encounter with Myself

I recently stumbled upon two journals that I kept from middle to early high school. Maybe my mental space was all dedicated to memorizing AP US History facts, or maybe I just did not want to remember those times.

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PersonalVanessa Hu
Next Week

In other words, “Next Week” is the twisted reality that I, and maybe some of you, spend so much of the present in consternation about, and trying to push off the present to plan the future. Always trying to pull the puppet strings of what comes next.

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PersonalVanessa Hutech
A Detour

This is it, folks. Tomorrow marks the first day of classes for Harvard’s fall semester, and I’m not attending.

I hope this is a detour worth taking! See you on the other side :)

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PersonalVanessa Hu